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$ 30

zplane DeCoda Published on Thu, 28 Mar 2024

by LastPharaoh

Required Info

Full Name - Email - Developer Account ID


Developer Transfer Info

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Licence Type


Payment Method

PayPal with Buyer Protection

Learn and analyze any song with deCoda.
Import an audio file and deCoda will tell you the key, the tempo and chords as well as identifying verse, chorus and other sections of the track.
Dive deeper with deCoda’s easy-to-use tools to help you really perfect playing a song. Bring the tempo down to hear nifty musicianship or change the key of the song to find one that’s more suited to your playing or singing style.
An intuitive Focus EQ helps you identify parts of the song that you want to filter out or hear isolated.
deCoda was inspired and informed by professionals in the music and recording industry to help you learn songs faster and easier than ever.
Created by zplane, deCoda is powered by the same technologies that are used by leading music-makers and p