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Feel Your Sound
Trance Engine
$ 24
by LastPharaoh
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Full Name - Email
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Feed TranceEngine with your chords and the plug-in generates authentic and professional MIDI patterns for you. No fiddling around with mismatching MIDI packs anymore. All output will be in tune with your original chords!
Have you ever struggled with writer's block when you wrote a Trance track? Or did you spend hours testing different bassline rhythms to support your main melody?
You can leave all this behind. TranceEngine is a plug-in (VST, AU) that generates new driving arpeggios, pulsating basslines, and memorable hooks from your MIDI chord progressions automatically.
Have you ever struggled with writer's block when you wrote a Trance track? Or did you spend hours testing different bassline rhythms to support your main melody?
You can leave all this behind. TranceEngine is a plug-in (VST, AU) that generates new driving arpeggios, pulsating basslines, and memorable hooks from your MIDI chord progressions automatically.