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Plugin Alliance
Guitar Effect Pedals Bundle
$ 15 +

by wigglwrrm2
Required Info
Transfer Fee
$8 Per Effect ( Not included in the final price.)Platforms
Developer Transfer Info
external linkLicence Type
Payment Method
PayPal with Buyer Protection
This is a bundle of the following guitar pedal effects:
- ADA Flanger
- ADA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay
- Brainworx bx_blackdist2
- Brainworx bx_bluechorus2
- Brainworx bx_distorange
- Brainworx bx_greenscreamer
- Brainworx bx_metal2
- Brainworx bx_yellowdrive
NOTE: Transfer fees are to be paid directly to Plugin Alliance by the buyer. PA's fee varies by amount of plugins; for 6 or more plugs, the transfer fee = $8 per plugin
- ADA Flanger
- ADA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay
- Brainworx bx_blackdist2
- Brainworx bx_bluechorus2
- Brainworx bx_distorange
- Brainworx bx_greenscreamer
- Brainworx bx_metal2
- Brainworx bx_yellowdrive
NOTE: Transfer fees are to be paid directly to Plugin Alliance by the buyer. PA's fee varies by amount of plugins; for 6 or more plugs, the transfer fee = $8 per plugin