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Acustica Audio


€ 100

Acustica Audio Multiple Published on Thu, 30 May 2024

by rachid77

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PayPal with Buyer Protection

Selling my complete Acustica Audio account with several plugins.
I don't want to bother selling them one by one, I prefer selling my entire account directly. This also avoids AA fees.
Once I give you my current password, all you have to do is change my information to yours (last name, first name, email) and set a new password.
I will pay for the PayPal fees.
I have the following AA plugins for sale in the bundle:
• Amber 4
• Aquamarine 5
• Cream 2
• Gold 5
• Silver Volume B (Reverb)
• Taupe
• Titanium 3
• Ultramarine 4
• Plus all the free stuff like Grey, etc.
Total retail price is 1562. I paid around 600. All in sell price 250.