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Native Instruments

Expansion - Opaline Drift

$ 19

Native Instruments Expansion - Opaline Drift Published on Tue, 16 Jul 2024

by musicartistx

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An evocative blend of electronic and acoustic sounds for a range of contemporary genres
Exclusive recordings of shimmering guitar licks, loops, one shots, and more
50 BATTERY kits and 45 MASCHINE kits overflowing with warmly-saturated kicks, snares, hi-hats, and melodic elements
Take an introspective trip to serener waters. OPALINE DRIFT echoes the blissful reverie of indie-electronica, shoegaze, and contemporary electronic styles – inspired by artists such as Tycho and Washed Out. With shimmering guitars, wistful synths, and warmly-textured drums, OPALINE DRIFT offers up a palette of iridescent colors and dreamy textures for building the foundations of sublime sonic excursions.