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Wave Box Distortion (Latest Version)

$ 10

AudioThing Wave Box  Distortion (Latest Version) Published on Thu, 25 Jul 2024

by musicartistx

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Wave Box is a dynamic dual waveshaper plugin that can be used for both symmetrical and asymmetrical distortion. A waveshaper is a type of distortion in which the input signal is mapped to the output by applying a fixed or variable shaping function.

Wave Box features two separate waveshapers that can be mixed together while being modulated by 2 LFOs and 1 Envelope Follower. You can design your own waveshaping curves by combining and adjusting 12 pre-defined functions (tanh, erf, sinh, sin, linear, abs, invert, floor, round, ceil, gauss 1, gauss 2).

Wave Box can range from mild tube-flavoured overdrive to extreme digital harshness.