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EKX EZkeys - Pipe Organ
$ 58

by musicartistx
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A breathtaking rendition of a true classic – the pipe organ.
The Pipe Organ EKX sound library features the majestic organ found at Sweden’s Täby Kyrka, an historic church dating back to the thirteenth century. It was designed to fit the songwriting-friendly format of EZkeys and includes the most characteristic pipe organ stops and instruments.
A carefully sampled pipe organ
Recorded at Täby Kyrka, Sweden using only the best in modern and vintage equipment
All sounds are designed to be mix-ready. Just pick a preset and the sound will sit right in your mix!
A breathtaking rendition of a true classic – the pipe organ.
The Pipe Organ EKX sound library features the majestic organ found at Sweden’s Täby Kyrka, an historic church dating back to the thirteenth century. It was designed to fit the songwriting-friendly format of EZkeys and includes the most characteristic pipe organ stops and instruments.
A carefully sampled pipe organ
Recorded at Täby Kyrka, Sweden using only the best in modern and vintage equipment
All sounds are designed to be mix-ready. Just pick a preset and the sound will sit right in your mix!