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IK Multimedia
IK Multimedia Bundle (6 Plugins)
$ 45

by rosqa
Required Info
Email - Developer Account ID
Developer Transfer Info
external linkLicence Type
Payment Method
PayPal with Buyer Protection
Email address to bundle will be provided, upon logging into IK multimedia with the provided email address the buyer can then update their details.
* €45 JamPoints
* Hitmaker - Synthwave (nfr-license)
* AmpliTube SVX 2 (nfr-license)
* Miroslav Philharmonik 2 Classik Edition (nfr-license)
* Syntronik 2 J-60 (transferable)
* T-RackS EQ 81 (transferable)
* T-RackS Vintage Tube Compressor/Limiter Model 670 (nfr-license)
* MixBox CS (free)
* MODO BASS 2 CS (free)
* TONEX CS (free)
* Syntronik 2 CS (free)
* MODO DRUM CS (free)
* Syntronik Free (free)
* AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop (free)
* T-RackS 5 Custom Shop (free)
* SampleTank 4 CS (free)
* €45 JamPoints
* Hitmaker - Synthwave (nfr-license)
* AmpliTube SVX 2 (nfr-license)
* Miroslav Philharmonik 2 Classik Edition (nfr-license)
* Syntronik 2 J-60 (transferable)
* T-RackS EQ 81 (transferable)
* T-RackS Vintage Tube Compressor/Limiter Model 670 (nfr-license)
* MixBox CS (free)
* MODO BASS 2 CS (free)
* TONEX CS (free)
* Syntronik 2 CS (free)
* MODO DRUM CS (free)
* Syntronik Free (free)
* AmpliTube 5 Custom Shop (free)
* T-RackS 5 Custom Shop (free)
* SampleTank 4 CS (free)