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Air Music Tech
Bundle - Hybrid 3, Mini Grand, Velvet
$ 15

by musicartistx
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3 Full Version Virtual Instruments:
Hybrid 3.0 is the next generation in synthesis. This high-definition virtual synthesizer combines the coveted warmth of analog synths with a full range of futuristic digital manipulation capabilities.
Velvet is a virtual electronic piano that combines five legendary electric pianos from the 60s and 70s into one versatile instrument. Based on the Fender Rhodes Suitcase, Fender Rhodes MK I and MK II Stage Pianos, Wurlitzer 200A and Hohner Pianet-T, Velvet accurately emulates the sound quality, response, and nuances of each original instrument to bring your piano tracks to life.
Mini Grand is a simple to use yet powerful virtual piano instrument with seven different acoustic piano sounds.
3 Full Version Virtual Instruments:
Hybrid 3.0 is the next generation in synthesis. This high-definition virtual synthesizer combines the coveted warmth of analog synths with a full range of futuristic digital manipulation capabilities.
Velvet is a virtual electronic piano that combines five legendary electric pianos from the 60s and 70s into one versatile instrument. Based on the Fender Rhodes Suitcase, Fender Rhodes MK I and MK II Stage Pianos, Wurlitzer 200A and Hohner Pianet-T, Velvet accurately emulates the sound quality, response, and nuances of each original instrument to bring your piano tracks to life.
Mini Grand is a simple to use yet powerful virtual piano instrument with seven different acoustic piano sounds.