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EKX EZkeys - Orchestral Grand
$ 61

by musicartistx
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Orchestral Grand EKX
A breathtakingly epic EKX for EZkeys 2.
Colossal in anything from size and musical scope, the grand piano is the unequivocal centerpiece in any orchestral setting. With its limitless expression – resonant, wild and untamed while ever-so articulate – it can take on any thinkable musical scenario, from the roaringly loud to the velvety frail. In this EKX expansion for EZkeys 2, we’ve taken arguably the grand piano of grand pianos and, to add, placed it in one of the most flawlessly crafted studio rooms ever built and utilized the absolute best the world has to offer in terms of recording technology to capture it. The result is an immaculate grand, breathtakingly epic in any and all respects imaginable.
A breathtakingly epic EKX for EZkeys 2.
Colossal in anything from size and musical scope, the grand piano is the unequivocal centerpiece in any orchestral setting. With its limitless expression – resonant, wild and untamed while ever-so articulate – it can take on any thinkable musical scenario, from the roaringly loud to the velvety frail. In this EKX expansion for EZkeys 2, we’ve taken arguably the grand piano of grand pianos and, to add, placed it in one of the most flawlessly crafted studio rooms ever built and utilized the absolute best the world has to offer in terms of recording technology to capture it. The result is an immaculate grand, breathtakingly epic in any and all respects imaginable.