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EKX EZkeys - Singer-Songwriter
$ 59

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
(Requires EZkeys 2)
An upright piano, mix-ready presets and MIDI – designed with the singer-songwriter in mind.
This EKX expansion for EZkeys 2 was specifically designed with the singer-songwriter in mind. Featuring a piano carefully selected for its soft, earthy and delicate timbre, it’s the optimal choice for an instrument that doesn’t stand in the way, eat up space or does anything but add to what ultimately makes or breaks a song: the words and the melodies.
A meticulously maintained, tuned and captured upright piano from the 1970s
A dark, earthy, warm and elegant timbre – perfect for singer-songwriter, acoustic pop and folk songs
(Requires EZkeys 2)
An upright piano, mix-ready presets and MIDI – designed with the singer-songwriter in mind.
This EKX expansion for EZkeys 2 was specifically designed with the singer-songwriter in mind. Featuring a piano carefully selected for its soft, earthy and delicate timbre, it’s the optimal choice for an instrument that doesn’t stand in the way, eat up space or does anything but add to what ultimately makes or breaks a song: the words and the melodies.
A meticulously maintained, tuned and captured upright piano from the 1970s
A dark, earthy, warm and elegant timbre – perfect for singer-songwriter, acoustic pop and folk songs