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Orchestral Companion - Woodwinds
$ 15

by musicartistx
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Orchestral Companion Woodwinds (No transfer fee!)
This comprehensive woodwind collection provides over 115 outstanding programs, each carefully crafted by the SONiVOX sound design team to be as accurate and convincing as possible. In addition to full orchestral woodwind ensembles, the Orchestral Companion Woodwinds also gives you a full palette of smaller wind sections, plus an amazing collection of solo instruments that are highlighted by dazzling articulation for breathtaking realism.
24-bit, dual-velocity patches provide expressive textures
State-of-the-art captures of world-class woodwind instruments
Over 7 GB of content including diverse articulations & tongue techniques
115 patches covering woodwind ensembles, sectionals, & solo instruments
This comprehensive woodwind collection provides over 115 outstanding programs, each carefully crafted by the SONiVOX sound design team to be as accurate and convincing as possible. In addition to full orchestral woodwind ensembles, the Orchestral Companion Woodwinds also gives you a full palette of smaller wind sections, plus an amazing collection of solo instruments that are highlighted by dazzling articulation for breathtaking realism.
24-bit, dual-velocity patches provide expressive textures
State-of-the-art captures of world-class woodwind instruments
Over 7 GB of content including diverse articulations & tongue techniques
115 patches covering woodwind ensembles, sectionals, & solo instruments