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EZkeys EKX - Dark Industrial
$ 60

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Sounds, presets and MIDI, tailored for industrial rock and metal, dark electronic music and cinematic soundscapes.
In this EKX for EZkeys 2, the absolute contraries of the audio scope come head to head in a full-circle library of sounds covering the entire range from industrial rock and metal to dark electronic music and cinematic soundscapes.
Sounds tailored for industrial rock and metal, dark electronic music and cinematic soundscapes
Layered textures of analog synths, a piano, an organ and a variety of electronic sources
Processed using pitch modulation, granular effects, distortion, compression and more
Includes sound preset categories for keys, pads, textures as well as leads and basses
Sounds, presets and MIDI, tailored for industrial rock and metal, dark electronic music and cinematic soundscapes.
In this EKX for EZkeys 2, the absolute contraries of the audio scope come head to head in a full-circle library of sounds covering the entire range from industrial rock and metal to dark electronic music and cinematic soundscapes.
Sounds tailored for industrial rock and metal, dark electronic music and cinematic soundscapes
Layered textures of analog synths, a piano, an organ and a variety of electronic sources
Processed using pitch modulation, granular effects, distortion, compression and more
Includes sound preset categories for keys, pads, textures as well as leads and basses