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Eventide / Newfangled Audio
EQuivocate (Latest Version)
$ 18

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Powerful & Precise Human Ear EQ
Perfect for mixing and mastering, EQuivocate’s auditory filters and match EQ functionality make it incredibly powerful, simple to use, and natural-sounding. EQuivocate uses filters that are modeled on the human ear. Each of the 26 critical bands tickles a different part of your inner ear, making any combination of settings sound as natural as possible. Combining this with a linear-phase filter shape that reduces pre-echo makes EQuivocate an EQ with a difference you can hear.
Perfect for mixing and mastering, EQuivocate’s auditory filters and match EQ functionality make it incredibly powerful, simple to use, and natural-sounding. EQuivocate uses filters that are modeled on the human ear. Each of the 26 critical bands tickles a different part of your inner ear, making any combination of settings sound as natural as possible. Combining this with a linear-phase filter shape that reduces pre-echo makes EQuivocate an EQ with a difference you can hear.