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Plugin Alliance

STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay

$ 12 +

Plugin Alliance STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay Published on Mon, 25 Nov 2024

by KthgC

Required Info

Full Name - Email

Transfer Fee

$20 ( Not included in the final price.)


Developer Transfer Info

external link

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Payment Method

PayPal with Buyer Protection

One of the cool features is the bucket-brigade delay circuit that provides a unique way to add extra width and rich depth to your tracks, no matter what they may be. It’s all too easy to create lush soundscapes in your mixes or dial in unique spatial effects if that is what you are after. In case you are looking for more polished vocal tracks, the A/DA STD-1 offers tunable doubling and sweet chorusing. Take your vocal tracks to the finish line and upgrade your flat mono tracks to wide stereo sounds. This is what the STD-1 bucket-brigade delay circuit was made for!