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Snap Heap (Latest Version)
$ 14

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Kilohearts License
Kilohearts Snap Heap is a modular Snapin Host which allows you to build up to seven serial or parallel effects chains and modulate every parameter using Kilohearts' powerful modular modulation system.
Snap Heap comes with Kilohearts Essentials, a large range of useful effects plugins. These are all available as Snapins to be combined and modulated as you desire. Premium Effects are available to buy separately to further bolster your sound design capabilities. Once a preset is saved it will be fully functional for anyone you share it with, regardless of which Snapins they own.
A unique modular modulation section allows you to connect modulators and utilities in an infinite number of combinations for ultimate control
Kilohearts Snap Heap is a modular Snapin Host which allows you to build up to seven serial or parallel effects chains and modulate every parameter using Kilohearts' powerful modular modulation system.
Snap Heap comes with Kilohearts Essentials, a large range of useful effects plugins. These are all available as Snapins to be combined and modulated as you desire. Premium Effects are available to buy separately to further bolster your sound design capabilities. Once a preset is saved it will be fully functional for anyone you share it with, regardless of which Snapins they own.
A unique modular modulation section allows you to connect modulators and utilities in an infinite number of combinations for ultimate control