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SDX - Custom & Vintage
$ 76

by musicartistx
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This is the very definition of classic, rare, custom and vintage drums. Recorded to perfection in one of the finest acoustic environments ever built.
Large selection of custom and vintage drums
Drum sticks, rods, brushes, felt mallets and more available
Extensive collection of cymbals
Recorded and engineered by Chris Whitten & Peter Henderson at 2 Khz Studios, London, UK
Included MIDI library played by Chris Whitten
This is the very definition of classic, rare, custom and vintage drums. Recorded to perfection in one of the finest acoustic environments ever built.
Large selection of custom and vintage drums
Drum sticks, rods, brushes, felt mallets and more available
Extensive collection of cymbals
Recorded and engineered by Chris Whitten & Peter Henderson at 2 Khz Studios, London, UK
Included MIDI library played by Chris Whitten