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Plugin Alliance

Plugin Alliance Bundle (Shadow Hills, Lindell TE-1

$ 30 +

Plugin Alliance Plugin Alliance Bundle (Shadow Hills, Lindell TE-1 Published on Mon, 30 Dec 2024

by joemitch7

Required Info


Transfer Fee

$50 ( Not included in the final price.)


Developer Transfer Info

external link

Licence Type


Payment Method

PayPal with Buyer Protection

Estimated total cost to you the buyer: $80. [$30 to me the seller + $50 transfer fee to plugin alliance]
*the $50 transfer fee comes from dynamic discount: $20 transfer fee * 5 products = $100 * .5 dynamic discount for 5 licenses = $50

Hoping to keep this economical so it makes sense for buyer (as opposed to just buying from PA direct). At time of this posting this bundle would cost around $150 with tax if purchased direct from PA.

This listing is a bundle for all of the following plugins:
1. Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor (clarifying note: this is NOT the class a version)
2. Lindell TE-100
3. bx_console SSL 9000 J
4. bx_digital v3
5. SPL Transient Designer Plus