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Crystals (Latest Version)
$ 34

by musicartistx
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Eventide Crystals combines twin reverse pitch shifters with reverse delays and reverb. This iconic H3000 Harmonizer effect can be used to create out-of-this-world climbing and cascading pitched delays or to create unique sounding reverbs. It features two reverse granular delays that can be manipulated by length and pitch. Crystals excels at adding life to synths, guitar, and vocals, making them sound huge and majestic. From sound design to other-worldly solos, Crystals will spark inspiration.
Crystals is not a one-trick pony. The plug-in is also capable of huge sounding reverbs.
Eventide Crystals combines twin reverse pitch shifters with reverse delays and reverb. This iconic H3000 Harmonizer effect can be used to create out-of-this-world climbing and cascading pitched delays or to create unique sounding reverbs. It features two reverse granular delays that can be manipulated by length and pitch. Crystals excels at adding life to synths, guitar, and vocals, making them sound huge and majestic. From sound design to other-worldly solos, Crystals will spark inspiration.
Crystals is not a one-trick pony. The plug-in is also capable of huge sounding reverbs.