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Wormhole (Full Latest Version)
$ 82

by musicartistx
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From beautifully shimmering detuned guitar widening and glassy ambient octave-shift tails, to surreal ambiences, starship drones, alien, monster, and robot voices — WORMHOLE is the new indispensable multi-effects powerhouse for sound designers, producers and composers alike. Combining ultra-clean pitch/frequency shifting, eccentric spectral warping, dual lush reverbs, and unique dry/wet morphing, WORMHOLE delivers sounds so unearthly you’ll swear they’re from a parallel universe.
The key WORMHOLE features at a glance:
High-quality multieffects processing ranging from the sublime to the extreme.
WARP spectral inversion & warping module.
SHIFT unique topology combined pitch-/frequency-shifting module
From beautifully shimmering detuned guitar widening and glassy ambient octave-shift tails, to surreal ambiences, starship drones, alien, monster, and robot voices — WORMHOLE is the new indispensable multi-effects powerhouse for sound designers, producers and composers alike. Combining ultra-clean pitch/frequency shifting, eccentric spectral warping, dual lush reverbs, and unique dry/wet morphing, WORMHOLE delivers sounds so unearthly you’ll swear they’re from a parallel universe.
The key WORMHOLE features at a glance:
High-quality multieffects processing ranging from the sublime to the extreme.
WARP spectral inversion & warping module.
SHIFT unique topology combined pitch-/frequency-shifting module