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IK Multimedia
Lurssen Mastering Console (Latest Version)
$ 59

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
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Master your music with the secret techniques, workflow and world-renowned know-how
of Lurssen Mastering.
Lurssen Mastering Console is a totally new approach to digital audio mastering. It provides a complete emulation of the entire mastering processing chain used by world-renowned mastering engineers Gavin Lurssen and Reuben Cohen and their team. This chain includes tube equalizers, solid state equalizers, limiters, de-essers and solid state compressors. The simulation of this chain reflects their “whole chain philosophy”.
Master your music with the secret techniques, workflow and world-renowned know-how
of Lurssen Mastering.
Lurssen Mastering Console is a totally new approach to digital audio mastering. It provides a complete emulation of the entire mastering processing chain used by world-renowned mastering engineers Gavin Lurssen and Reuben Cohen and their team. This chain includes tube equalizers, solid state equalizers, limiters, de-essers and solid state compressors. The simulation of this chain reflects their “whole chain philosophy”.