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Smart:Comp 2 (Full Latest Version)
$ 55

by musicartistx
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Smart Comp 2 - The spectro-dynamic compressor
smart:comp 2 automatically delivers transparent, precise results; providing you with the creative tools that will transform your sound from nice to extraordinary.
Spectral processing for tonal and dynamic balance
Automatic parametrization with a single click
Tools for creative dynamics shaping
smart:comp 2’s AI-powered automatic parametrization, spectral compression, and sidechain ducking abilities aim for one goal: clean, well-balanced compression results that remain true to your input signal.
This exceptionally versatile compressor is packed with features that enable you to give any track your unique vibe.
Smooth handling and real-time monitoring
smart:comp 2 automatically delivers transparent, precise results; providing you with the creative tools that will transform your sound from nice to extraordinary.
Spectral processing for tonal and dynamic balance
Automatic parametrization with a single click
Tools for creative dynamics shaping
smart:comp 2’s AI-powered automatic parametrization, spectral compression, and sidechain ducking abilities aim for one goal: clean, well-balanced compression results that remain true to your input signal.
This exceptionally versatile compressor is packed with features that enable you to give any track your unique vibe.
Smooth handling and real-time monitoring