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Digital Synsations Vol 1 Synth Bundle (Latest)
$ 15

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
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4 instruments that crystallize the mythical sound of '90s digital synths
600 patches of all-new and classic sounds
Efficient and intuitive interfaces to explore new sonic territories
Explore the legendary sound of the ‘90s with 4 instruments inspired by some of the most famous digital synths of the time. With more than 600 presets, Digital Synsations Vol.1 delivers a massive collection of stirring sounds with distinct but familiar character. Explore the instruments that defined a decade of popular music, with new and classic sounds perfect for music of any style, from synthwave to modern production and beyond.
(No fees!)
4 instruments that crystallize the mythical sound of '90s digital synths
600 patches of all-new and classic sounds
Efficient and intuitive interfaces to explore new sonic territories
Explore the legendary sound of the ‘90s with 4 instruments inspired by some of the most famous digital synths of the time. With more than 600 presets, Digital Synsations Vol.1 delivers a massive collection of stirring sounds with distinct but familiar character. Explore the instruments that defined a decade of popular music, with new and classic sounds perfect for music of any style, from synthwave to modern production and beyond.