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EKX EZkeys - Dream Machine
$ 59

by musicartistx
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EKX EZkeys expansion pack - Dream Machine
Perfect for modern pop, ambient soundscapes and soundtracks
Two main instruments: a Rhodes Mark 7* and a Schiedmayer* celeste (to be used individually or together in preset combinations)
Includes sounds from a marimba and a xylophone (used in preset combinations)
A comprehensive collection of mix-ready presets, offering creative instrument blends of never-before-heard hybrids of sounds
Uncompromising dynamic response for great playability
Perfect for modern pop, ambient soundscapes and soundtracks
Two main instruments: a Rhodes Mark 7* and a Schiedmayer* celeste (to be used individually or together in preset combinations)
Includes sounds from a marimba and a xylophone (used in preset combinations)
A comprehensive collection of mix-ready presets, offering creative instrument blends of never-before-heard hybrids of sounds
Uncompromising dynamic response for great playability