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SDX - Roots - Sticks
$ 115

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
We could mention that we set out to record the best jazz drum library ever made but ended up with something far bigger; drums that transcend the narrow confines of a genre and rather define an era – an age of music spanning from jazz, blues to hip hop and rock.
Recorded by Roy “Futureman” Wooten in Blackbird Studio Nashville, TN
Approximately 36 GB of raw, unprocessed sounds
A total of 23 separately recorded, tweakable channels available in the mixer
Custom MIDI included
Large selection of different drums and cymbals (Pearl*, Gretsch*, Ludwig*, Zildjian*, Paiste*)
We could mention that we set out to record the best jazz drum library ever made but ended up with something far bigger; drums that transcend the narrow confines of a genre and rather define an era – an age of music spanning from jazz, blues to hip hop and rock.
Recorded by Roy “Futureman” Wooten in Blackbird Studio Nashville, TN
Approximately 36 GB of raw, unprocessed sounds
A total of 23 separately recorded, tweakable channels available in the mixer
Custom MIDI included
Large selection of different drums and cymbals (Pearl*, Gretsch*, Ludwig*, Zildjian*, Paiste*)