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Master Bundle (Intensity, Unfilter, Unmix:Drums)
$ 223

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
The MASTER Bundle: Audio Mastering Plugin Bundle
(No fees!)
What's included:
INTENSITY: Detail | Clarity | Density | Loudness
UNFILTER: Adaptive Precision Equalizer
UNMIX::DRUMS: Boost Or Attenuate Drums In Mixed Music
The MASTER Bundle: high-end audio mastering plugins for maximum quality with minimum effort. Our award-winning "smart" equalizer UNFILTER solves any EQ problems auto-magically (or manually, if preferred), with stunning precision, an incredibly quick workflow, and pristine quality. Carve out the details and character of your audio, add clarity, increase density, and boost loudness without breaking a sweat using INTENSITY. Change the level and punch of drums in a mixed recording or on the drum bus
(No fees!)
What's included:
INTENSITY: Detail | Clarity | Density | Loudness
UNFILTER: Adaptive Precision Equalizer
UNMIX::DRUMS: Boost Or Attenuate Drums In Mixed Music
The MASTER Bundle: high-end audio mastering plugins for maximum quality with minimum effort. Our award-winning "smart" equalizer UNFILTER solves any EQ problems auto-magically (or manually, if preferred), with stunning precision, an incredibly quick workflow, and pristine quality. Carve out the details and character of your audio, add clarity, increase density, and boost loudness without breaking a sweat using INTENSITY. Change the level and punch of drums in a mixed recording or on the drum bus