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Live 10 Suite (EDUCATION)
$ 300

Required Info
Developer Transfer Info
external linkLicence Type
Payment Method
PayPal with Buyer Protection
"Educational licenses can only be resold to students or teachers who qualify for educational pricing.
You can submit the license transfer request from your user account, and afterwards the new user will be prompted to upload their EDU verification in their account before they can use the license.
For the verification, we can accept:
- a current student ID
- a school transcript or enrollment letter
- a teacher faculty ID
- an employment verification letter
Once the EDU document is uploaded and processed, the new user will be able to download and authorize Live."
"Educational licenses can only be resold to students or teachers who qualify for educational pricing.
You can submit the license transfer request from your user account, and afterwards the new user will be prompted to upload their EDU verification in their account before they can use the license.
For the verification, we can accept:
- a current student ID
- a school transcript or enrollment letter
- a teacher faculty ID
- an employment verification letter
Once the EDU document is uploaded and processed, the new user will be able to download and authorize Live."