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Omnisphere 2 + 5 Luftrum Soundets

$ 400

Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 + 5 Luftrum Soundets Published on Fri, 31 Jan 2025

by smithy78

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PayPal with Buyer Protection

I'm selling an uninstalled/unused version of Omnisphere 2 along with 5 soundets by Luftrum. I bought Omnisphere along with the Luftrum presets for a project I was working on, but I ended up completing the project before I got around to downloading Omnisphere, so I've never actually downloaded/installed it. The Luftrum soundsets are Ambient 2, Equilibrium, Expanse, Luftrum 14 and Luftrum 18. The total value of the Luftrum soundsets comes to $182. If you haven't heard of him, you can check out the demos of the presets on YouTube - they sound amazing.