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Orange Tree Samples
Evolution Mandolin (Latest Version)
$ 79

by musicartistx
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(No fees!)
If you need a realistic mandolin that works perfectly for country, folk, and Americana, look no further! Meticulously sampled, Evolution Mandolin features multiple round-robin in both pick directions for ample variation while playing. Its three velocity layers offer a wide, expressive dynamic range. In addition to all the staple articulations, including palm mutes, harmonics, and legato, we also sampled misfretted notes that can be interspersed in your mandolin performance for additional realism
Built-in strum pattern editor for authentic mandolin strumming
Adjustable pick position using proprietary physical modeling technology
(No fees!)
If you need a realistic mandolin that works perfectly for country, folk, and Americana, look no further! Meticulously sampled, Evolution Mandolin features multiple round-robin in both pick directions for ample variation while playing. Its three velocity layers offer a wide, expressive dynamic range. In addition to all the staple articulations, including palm mutes, harmonics, and legato, we also sampled misfretted notes that can be interspersed in your mandolin performance for additional realism
Built-in strum pattern editor for authentic mandolin strumming
Adjustable pick position using proprietary physical modeling technology