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Orange Tree Samples
Angelic Zither (Latest Version)
$ 14

by musicartistx
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Full edition of Kontakt Required
Angelic Zither is a handmade 15-string, pre-80's zither from the Republic of Belarus (a little west of Russia). The zither's strings are tuned diatonically in the key of G, but the samples are stretched to cover the instrument's range chromatically. Although it only spans two octaves (stretched to 4 octaves total), this zither has a gorgeous, magical tone.
We sampled the zither using a close dynamic mic and a pair of small diaphragm condenser mics as a stereo overhead. We sampled each of the 15 strings with three round-robin alternating samples and three dynamic layers, from soft, delicate notes to loud, resonant plucking. The release samples have three round-robins a
(No fees)
Full edition of Kontakt Required
Angelic Zither is a handmade 15-string, pre-80's zither from the Republic of Belarus (a little west of Russia). The zither's strings are tuned diatonically in the key of G, but the samples are stretched to cover the instrument's range chromatically. Although it only spans two octaves (stretched to 4 octaves total), this zither has a gorgeous, magical tone.
We sampled the zither using a close dynamic mic and a pair of small diaphragm condenser mics as a stereo overhead. We sampled each of the 15 strings with three round-robin alternating samples and three dynamic layers, from soft, delicate notes to loud, resonant plucking. The release samples have three round-robins a