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IK Multimedia
TONEX Metal Gems Amp Collection
$ 11

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
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IK Multimedia’s TONEX Metal Gems Collection is a collection of 4 meticulously crafted Tone Models that capture the essence of high-gain metal legends like the Peavey® 5150, Diezel Herbert, Soldano SLO-100, and Bogner Uberschall.
Why You Need Metal Gems:
Instant Access to Iconic Tones: Get the sound of legendary amps in seconds, without the hefty price tag.
Cutting-Edge AI Technology: IK Multimedia’s AI Machine Modeling technology delivers unmatched realism and responsiveness.
Perfect for Studio or Stage: Use Metal Gems in your DAW or load them directly into your TONEX Pedal.
Versatile and Inspiring: From classic thrash to modern, this collection covers a wide range of metal genres.
IK Multimedia’s TONEX Metal Gems Collection is a collection of 4 meticulously crafted Tone Models that capture the essence of high-gain metal legends like the Peavey® 5150, Diezel Herbert, Soldano SLO-100, and Bogner Uberschall.
Why You Need Metal Gems:
Instant Access to Iconic Tones: Get the sound of legendary amps in seconds, without the hefty price tag.
Cutting-Edge AI Technology: IK Multimedia’s AI Machine Modeling technology delivers unmatched realism and responsiveness.
Perfect for Studio or Stage: Use Metal Gems in your DAW or load them directly into your TONEX Pedal.
Versatile and Inspiring: From classic thrash to modern, this collection covers a wide range of metal genres.