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Horizon Bundle (Latest Version 15)

$ 189

Waves Horizon Bundle  (Latest  Version 15) Published on Mon, 10 Feb 2025

by musicartistx

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PayPal with Buyer Protection

(No additional fee!)
New license with latest version and full year of WUP

The Waves Horizon Plug-In Bundle offers you versatile mixing tools that bring out the best of each and every performance! This bundle contains 83 audio plugins for music production professionals, featuring precise models of vintage EQs and compressors, effects, mastering tools and more!

Waves Horizon Plug-In Bundle Features
83 Audio plugins for music production professionals
Precise models of vintage EQs and compressors, effects, mastering tools and more
Versatile mixing tools that bring out the best of each and every performance
Warm, incomparable sound of vintage compressors for punch and power
Precision-modeled EQs that add color and character