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Phat 2 - Virtual Drummer (Latest Version)
$ 15

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Virtual Drummer PHAT 2 is a slick and stylish operator, producing grooves, fills and breaks. Ready at any time to quickly lay down entire beats and rhythms that ooze with groove. Your go-to ace for grooving funky and urban drumming. For all genres from Retro Soul to G-Funk, PHAT 2 adds a smooth rhythm fundament to your production with its wide range of drumming styles and sounds.
Drag-and-drop phrases to DAW for detailed note editing
Multi-outs for individual mixing in the DAW
30 new Styles with 650 new Grooves plus 100 Presets
Advanced kit editing, mixing and master sections
Drag-and-drop phrases to DAW for detailed note editing
Multi-outs for individual mixing in the DAW
30 new Styles with 650 new Grooves plus 100 Presets
Advanced kit editing, mixing and master sections