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dbx 160 Compressor (Latest Version 15)
$ 15

by musicartistx
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Latest Version 15
(No fee!)
The dbx 160’s VCA-based compression was a clean break with previous designs. Its savagely fast attack and fresh transparency made it an instant hit, whether used conservatively to add fullness, or slammed for pumping. The dbx 160 became the sound of drums and bass compression.
Designed in close collaboration with dbx®, the dbx 160 models the original hardware’s sound with absolute accuracy, enhancing it with new features designed for the needs of modern studios.
Delivers the power and punch of classic 70s drum compression
Fat, thick textures perfect for drums, bass, synth, acoustic guitar
Adds aggression to everything from a drum bus to a rap vocal
Straightforward controls dial in the right sounds
(No fee!)
The dbx 160’s VCA-based compression was a clean break with previous designs. Its savagely fast attack and fresh transparency made it an instant hit, whether used conservatively to add fullness, or slammed for pumping. The dbx 160 became the sound of drums and bass compression.
Designed in close collaboration with dbx®, the dbx 160 models the original hardware’s sound with absolute accuracy, enhancing it with new features designed for the needs of modern studios.
Delivers the power and punch of classic 70s drum compression
Fat, thick textures perfect for drums, bass, synth, acoustic guitar
Adds aggression to everything from a drum bus to a rap vocal
Straightforward controls dial in the right sounds