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Nectar 4 Advanced (Latest Version)
$ 104

by musicartistx
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iZotope License - Nectar 4 Advanced
Let Your Vocals Shine
Vocal Assistant: Instantly create custom presets using machine learning technology to optimize your vocal's fit in the mix.
Improved Unmask: Easily prioritize your vocal by reducing competing mix elements directly from the Vocal Assistant's menu screen.
Dynamic EQ with Follow EQ Mode: Real-time tracking and removal of troublesome resonances, saving time and effort.
Auto Level Module: Automatically adjusts vocal levels before processing, eliminating the need for corrective dynamics or manual fader adjustments.
Inter-plugin Communication: Nectar 4 communicates with other iZotope plug-ins in your session to address tonal balance and masking.
Thirteen Component Plugins
Let Your Vocals Shine
Vocal Assistant: Instantly create custom presets using machine learning technology to optimize your vocal's fit in the mix.
Improved Unmask: Easily prioritize your vocal by reducing competing mix elements directly from the Vocal Assistant's menu screen.
Dynamic EQ with Follow EQ Mode: Real-time tracking and removal of troublesome resonances, saving time and effort.
Auto Level Module: Automatically adjusts vocal levels before processing, eliminating the need for corrective dynamics or manual fader adjustments.
Inter-plugin Communication: Nectar 4 communicates with other iZotope plug-ins in your session to address tonal balance and masking.
Thirteen Component Plugins