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Nectar 3 Plus | Incl Melodyne 5 Essential
$ 24

by musicartistx
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Full, perpetual license!
Vocal Processing Plug-in with EQ, Harmony, Compressors, Modulation, De-esser, Pitch, Auto Level, Saturation, Reverb, Gate, Vocal Assistant, Unmask, Key Detection, and Melodyne Essential
If you want vocals that sit beautifully in your mix, iZotope Nectar 3 Plus is an easy, effective way to make it happen. This indispensable plug-in suite boasts a top-shelf cache of vocal-centric effects modules, including EQ, Harmony, Compressors, Dimension, De-esser, Pitch, Auto Level, Saturation, Reverb, and Gate. But the real magic lies in Vocal Assistant, which uses iZotope’s renowned AI-assisted processing to detect and correct a whole slew of hard-to-rein-in vocal problems. Unmask digs buried vocals out of a mix, with EQ Amount and Dynamic controls.
Vocal Processing Plug-in with EQ, Harmony, Compressors, Modulation, De-esser, Pitch, Auto Level, Saturation, Reverb, Gate, Vocal Assistant, Unmask, Key Detection, and Melodyne Essential
If you want vocals that sit beautifully in your mix, iZotope Nectar 3 Plus is an easy, effective way to make it happen. This indispensable plug-in suite boasts a top-shelf cache of vocal-centric effects modules, including EQ, Harmony, Compressors, Dimension, De-esser, Pitch, Auto Level, Saturation, Reverb, and Gate. But the real magic lies in Vocal Assistant, which uses iZotope’s renowned AI-assisted processing to detect and correct a whole slew of hard-to-rein-in vocal problems. Unmask digs buried vocals out of a mix, with EQ Amount and Dynamic controls.