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RX 10 | Elements
$ 14

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
RX 10 Elements features:
Repair Assistant plug-in [NEW]
Dynamic De-hum [NEW]
Static De-hum
Voice De-noise
Built on decades of iZotope research, RX 10 is the most intuitive and intelligent version iZotope has ever made.
It includes the brand-new Repair Assistant plugin, as well as five essential real-time noise reduction plugins to fix clipping, hum, clicks, and other unwanted background noise like amp hiss, air conditioning, and even reverb. Repair Assistant uses the digital signal processing of RX to analyze your audio and provide solutions that quickly correct the most common issues. Get the same tools the pros use at an unbelievable price
Repair Assistant plug-in [NEW]
Dynamic De-hum [NEW]
Static De-hum
Voice De-noise
Built on decades of iZotope research, RX 10 is the most intuitive and intelligent version iZotope has ever made.
It includes the brand-new Repair Assistant plugin, as well as five essential real-time noise reduction plugins to fix clipping, hum, clicks, and other unwanted background noise like amp hiss, air conditioning, and even reverb. Repair Assistant uses the digital signal processing of RX to analyze your audio and provide solutions that quickly correct the most common issues. Get the same tools the pros use at an unbelievable price