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Native Instruments
Guitar Rig 7 LE (Latest Version)
$ 11

by musicartistx
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Native Instruments License for Guitar Rig 7 LE
Step into a creative effects playground
Spark your creativity with Guitar Rig 7 Pro – an inspiration suite filled with sought-after guitar and bass amp simulators, studio effects, and pedals.
Add analog warmth with four new lo-fi components, perfect for adding texture to any track.
You can see what's included with the LE version here:
Step into a creative effects playground
Spark your creativity with Guitar Rig 7 Pro – an inspiration suite filled with sought-after guitar and bass amp simulators, studio effects, and pedals.
Add analog warmth with four new lo-fi components, perfect for adding texture to any track.
You can see what's included with the LE version here: