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Plugin Alliance

Brainworx bx_rockrack V3

€ 7 +

Plugin Alliance Brainworx bx_rockrack V3 Published on Sat, 30 Apr 2022

by Nadis

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Transfer Fee

$20 ( Not included in the final price.)


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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Clean 800: Clean channel from the Marshall JCM 800™ 2210
Crunch 800: Lead channel from the Marshall JCM 800™ 2210
Clean ENGL™ 530: Clean channel from the ENGL 530 Tube Preamp
Lead ENGL™ 530: Lead channel from the ENGL 530 Tube Preamp
Jazz Clean: Based on the ENGL 530 preamp clean channel
Jazz Crunch: Based on the ENGL 530 preamp lead channel
Modern Rock: Mesa Boogie Rect-O-Verb™ 50W
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