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Fabfilter Mastering Bundle
$ 400

by beppobeats
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Full Name - Email
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Fabfilter Mastering Bundle V5
This pack includes 4 essential plugins worth $756.00 when purchased independently.
Fabfilter Pro-L 2
Fabfilter Pro-MB
Fabfilter Pro-Q 2
Fabfilter Pro-C 2
For clarity, this bundle contains Pro-Q 2, not Pro-Q 3
Savings: $100.00 off normal bundle cost, $356.00 total savings
This pack includes 4 essential plugins worth $756.00 when purchased independently.
Fabfilter Pro-L 2
Fabfilter Pro-MB
Fabfilter Pro-Q 2
Fabfilter Pro-C 2
For clarity, this bundle contains Pro-Q 2, not Pro-Q 3
Savings: $100.00 off normal bundle cost, $356.00 total savings