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This item is part of the bundle: Plugin Alliance - FX [2 plugin BUNDLE]
Plugin Alliance
ADA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay
€ 10 +

by theimpaler
Required Info
Transfer Fee
$20 ( Not included in the final price.)Platforms
Developer Transfer Info
Licence Type
Payment Method
PayPal with Buyer Protection
the buyer must pay $20 for each plugin to activate it, and can do it the same day or a year later.
there's no time limit for activation.
you can also make use of PA discount vouchers to make activation cheaper... or activate several plugns at the same time to benefit from dynamic discounts.
there's no time limit for activation.
you can also make use of PA discount vouchers to make activation cheaper... or activate several plugns at the same time to benefit from dynamic discounts.