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Ableton live 11 suite
$ 600

by coredump
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Hello! Due to some physical problems having a COVID, I temporary don't have enough attention span to do music production in Ableton, but I still have Ableton Live Suite 11 full license (upgraded from suite 10 push pack). I'd like to sell it, it could be done either through the official mechanism of license transfer, or just by leaving you access to my account on, actually probably it's even better, because there are some payed sound packs which will be also available for you for fee, and I don't think there is a way to transfer their ownership. You're will be able to change email to yours easily.
Anyway, if you interested, please name your price, cuz I don't know how to calculate a fair price in this situation. Official price now is: 749USD. Saving 150$ on msrp
Anyway, if you interested, please name your price, cuz I don't know how to calculate a fair price in this situation. Official price now is: 749USD. Saving 150$ on msrp