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Plugin Alliance
My Plugin-Alliance BUNDLES
$ 200 +

by tikho99
Required Info
Transfer Fee
$88 ( Not included in the final price.)Platforms
Developer Transfer Info
Licence Type
Payment Method
PayPal with Buyer Protection
There are 11 plug-ins in total, with a total value of over 400 USD.
Including the following:
Brainworx bx_console Focusrite SC
Brainworx bx_digital V3 and legacy versions
Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor
Schoeps Mono Upmix
Ampeg SVT-VR Classic
Millennia TCL-2
Millennia NSEQ-2
Unfiltered Audio Sandman Pro and legacy versions
Unfiltered Audio BYOME
Unfiltered Audio Fault
Unfiltered Audio TRIAD
The PA transfer fee is charged to the buyer!
Please read the following terms carefully.
Including the following:
Brainworx bx_console Focusrite SC
Brainworx bx_digital V3 and legacy versions
Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor
Schoeps Mono Upmix
Ampeg SVT-VR Classic
Millennia TCL-2
Millennia NSEQ-2
Unfiltered Audio Sandman Pro and legacy versions
Unfiltered Audio BYOME
Unfiltered Audio Fault
Unfiltered Audio TRIAD
The PA transfer fee is charged to the buyer!
Please read the following terms carefully.