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TimeShaper 3
€ 10
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Just like a DJ working vinyl, TimeShaper 3 lets you freely manipulate the flow of time, slowing down or accelerating your music. Simply draw the exact LFO shapes you need – our unique curve-editing tools make it fast and easy. Warp pitch and time to create everything from essential everyday FX to extreme multiband transformations.
Running inside Cableguys' ShaperBox 3 effects plugin, use TimeShaper on its own or with other Shapers — they all work in exactly the same way, stacking up to create elaborate, multilayered effects that'll make your productions stand out.
Running inside Cableguys' ShaperBox 3 effects plugin, use TimeShaper on its own or with other Shapers — they all work in exactly the same way, stacking up to create elaborate, multilayered effects that'll make your productions stand out.