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Plugin Alliance

Bundle 16 Plugins

€ 129 +

Plugin Alliance Bundle 16 Plugins Published on Sat, 21 Oct 2023

by Mijago Shivago

Required Info

Full Name - Email - Developer Account ID

Transfer Fee

$20 ( Not included in the final price.)


Developer Transfer Info

external link

Licence Type


Payment Method

PayPal with Buyer Protection

DS Audio Thorn 

Lindell Audio 50 Series


Brainworx bx_console Focusrite SC 

Brainworx bx_console N

Brainworx bx_crispytuner

Brainworx bx_limiter True Peak

Brainworx bx_oberhausen 

Knif Audio Knifonium 
Unfiltered Audio LO-FI-AF
Brainworx bx_console N 

Brainworx bx_meter

Brainworx bx_boom!

Brainworx bx_cleansweep Pro 

Brainworx bx_delay 2500 

Brainworx bx_refinement

Brainworx bx_saturator V2 

Brainworx bx_subsynth

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