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Plugin Alliance
Plugin Alliance Bundle of 29 Plugin Releases
$ 175 +

by pureAudi0
Required Info
Email - Developer Account ID
Transfer Fee
$8 Per Plugin Activated. (Via Your PA Account) ( Not included in the final price.)Platforms
Developer Transfer Info
external linkLicence Type
Payment Method
PayPal with Buyer Protection
Ampeg B-15N, Ampeg SVT-VR, Ampeg SVT-VR Classic, Black Box Analog Design HG-2, Black Box Analog Design HG-2MS, Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099, Brainworx bx_console Focusrite SC, Brainworx bx_console SSL 9000 J, Brainworx bx_delay 2500, Brainworx bx_digital V3, Brainworx bx_masterdesk, Brainworx bx_oberhausen, Brainworx, bx_townhouse Buss Compressor, Dangerous Music BAX EQ, elysia karacter, Gallien-Krueger 800RB, Knif Audio Knifonium, Lindell Audio 50 Series, Lindell Audio 80 Series, NEOLD WARBLE, Purple Audio MC77, Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor, Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Class A, SPL De-Verb, SPL IRON, Unfiltered Audio Dent 2, Unfiltered Audio Fault, Unfiltered Audio Indent 2, WEDGE FORCE Matcha.
Activation cost: $8 per plugin if activating more than 6.
Activation cost: $8 per plugin if activating more than 6.