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This item is part of the bundle: Plugin Alliance Bundle (6 VSTS)
Masterdesk True Peak
€ 79 +
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$20 ( Not included in the final price.)Platforms
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PayPal with Buyer Protection
Our best-selling all-in-one mastering solution from Brainworx just got even better – still as easy as 1-2-3
Just like the original version from 2018, the new bx_masterdesk True Peak offers a complete high-end analog mastering system inside a single plugin - incredibly easy to use, and with several major upgrades to further improve your workflow and sound.
Just like the original version from 2018, the new bx_masterdesk True Peak offers a complete high-end analog mastering system inside a single plugin - incredibly easy to use, and with several major upgrades to further improve your workflow and sound.